How Many Hits Is Each Team Permitted To Have On Their Side Of The Net?

Pickleball is one of the most beloved sports in the United States thanks to how accessible the sport is.

The only problem is because the sport is so visually similar to tennis, many people need clarification when it comes to understanding the unique rules of the game. 

How Many Hits Is Each Team Permitted To Have On Their Side Of The Net?

There are a number of distinct rules unique to the sport, such as the ‘Kitchen’ rule that helps to distinguish it from other sports, but where do the rules stand with regards to how many hits each team is permitted to have on their own side of the net?

Is it allowed to hit the ball multiple times in one volley? What happens if you hit the ball too many times? 

Got these questions bouncing around your mind like a pickleball? Then allow us to put them to rest because today we are going to find some definitive answers just for you! 

So, read on down below now to get started! 

How Many Hits Is Each Team Permitted To Have On Their Side Of The Net In Pickleball?

In an average pickleball volley, each side is only allowed 1 hit every time the ball reaches their side of the court.

The official pickleball rule book states that a double hit occurs when the ball is hit “Twice before it is returned”.

A double hit is considered to be a fault and can incur a penalty for the side of the court responsible for the fault. 

Such a rule would suggest that hitting the ball twice in any kind of way would be grounds for a penalty, however, there are actually some situations where a double hit could be considered fair game. 

The official pickleball rule book stipulates that in order for a double hit to be considered fair, it needs to have been performed as a result of a “Single-direction stroke, by one play”.

The rulebook also stipulates that the hit must also be obviously unintentional. If the double hit appears to have been done intentionally, then it will be considered a fault. 

There are no stipulations that allow for double hits to be performed by two separate players on the same side. If the ball is hit by both players on a single side, then it is considered to be a fault! 

How Many Times Is The Ball Allowed To Bounce On One Side Of The Pickleball Court?

Within a single volley, the pickleball itself is only allowed to hit the ground once per side before it must be returned by a player on that side of the court.

After a hit, the ball must travel over the net without bouncing back or hitting the ground again on the same side.

This is very similar to tennis, which makes the rule much easier to remember. 

What Is The Penalty For A Fault In Pickleball?

What Is The Penalty For A Fault In Pickleball?

Most commonly the penalty that is incurred for hitting a fault in pickleball is a point for the opposing team. However, the result of a fault penalty will depend on the circumstances.

If you are on the receiving team of a serve, and you commit a fault, then a point will be given to the team that served the ball.

If you commit a fault while on the serving side of the court, then the serve will be forfeited over to the opposing team. 

The penalty for serving faults sounds much less severe than the penalty for faults while receiving, but the reason for this is that it is only the serving team that can score points in a game.

This is why, if you are on the serving team, you want to avoid faults wherever you can, in order to allow yourself to keep scoring points. 

What Is Carrying In The Context Of Pickleball?

A move that is often very controversial, and most often results in a fault within pickleball is ‘carrying’.

Carrying involves a situation in which a player that has been sent back by a serve turns their back to the net, moves their paddle below the ball before it hits the ground, and then scoops the ball over their head, to the other side of the net.

This motion causes the ball to be ‘carried’ rather than ‘hit’ by the face of the paddle. 

However, carrying is not always met with a penalty, and whether a penalty is actually incurred depends on whether or not the carrying was intentional or not.

If a move is carried out that turns into a carry, despite the best intentions of the player, then it may be judged to instead be a hit, and no penalty will be incurred.

However, turning your back to the net and lobbing the ball is considered to be a fault in almost all cases, because it is clear and intentional. Performing such a maneuver displays clear intent on the part of the player. 

To Wrap Up

As you can now see, each team is really only allowed one hit of the ball every time it ends up on their side of the court in a volley.

However, there are a few circumstances in which double hits may occur totally accidentally, and these are the very few situations in which multiple hits are allowed. 

Generally, if playing pickleball, you will want to go out of your way to avoid double hits, as they can incur some heavy penalties.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The 10 Second Rule In Pickleball?

The 10-second rule, within pickleball, states that after the current score has been called, the serving player has a maximum of 10 seconds to make their serve. This helps to keep the game flowing. 

What Should You Not Do In Pickleball?

The most important thing to not do when playing pickleball is to step into the kitchen, which is a no-volley zone! 

What Is A Nasty Nelson In Pickleball?

The Nasty Nelson maneuver involves the serve hitting the ball in such a way that it heads directly to the player nearest to the net on the other side. 

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