Why Is It Called The Kitchen In Pickleball?

Pickleball may seem like an unusual sport, but ever since the game was first introduced in 1965, it has gone from strength to strength and easily become one of the most popular backyard sports in the United States. 

The game is very similar to tennis but involves hitting a slightly larger and hollow perforated ball over a net using paddles that are more solid than traditional tennis rackets.

Why Is It Called The Kitchen In Pickleball?

There are even more unique details that help to differentiate pickleball from Tennis, and these details are likely why you are reading this article right now! 

You’ve likely heard about the term ‘Kitchen’, a popular term used throughout the sport and thrown around by fans of the sport. But what does the word actually mean within the context of pickleball?

Want answers to this question? Then make sure you keep reading below! 

What Is The Kitchen In Pickleball?

Put simply, ‘The Kitchen’, within the context of pickleball, refers to the area of the pickleball court in which no volleys can be played. Each side of the net in a game of pickleball has a non-volley zone. 

The non-volley zone or ‘Kitchen’ is rather self-explanatory. It is an area of the court in which players cannot step foot while delivering a volley. If a player were to step into the kitchen while delivering a volley, it would be considered a foul. 

The kitchen can be found directly underneath the net on both sides. The kitchen is most commonly around 7 inches in length. The reason why the kitchen can be found on a pickleball court is to prevent excessive smashing of the ball.

Smashing refers to the action of heading right up to the net and performing a hard hit that will send the ball directly to the floor on the other side of the net.

This helps to keep the game fair, as pickleball requires very different volleying to a sport like tennis.

It is important to mention that a volley can still be considered a foul even if the ball was first hit before the player stepped foot into the kitchen.

This means that it is important to monitor your momentum when playing pickleball to ensure that you do not end up in the kitchen at any point after delivering a volley.

If you feel as though your momentum will carry you too far, you should avoid hitting a volley.

Why Is It Called The Kitchen In Pickleball?

So now that we know what the kitchen uniquely is, why don’t we finally find out why exactly the word ‘Kitchen’ was chosen to represent that area?

Unfortunately, it is largely unclear why exactly the area of the court nearest to the net is called the kitchen.

One of the most commonly held theories is that pickleball simply borrowed the term from shuffleboard, a similar game that also has an area of the court often referred to as the ‘Kitchen’.

In shuffleboard, the kitchen refers to an area that is directly behind the main scoring area.

Another theory behind the pickleball name is that it is simply just a funny word that the inventors of the game decided on. After all, the creators of the game decided to call the game ‘Pickleball’ of all possible names! 

What Happens If You Step Into The Kitchen In Pickleball?

You definitely want to avoid stepping into the kitchen while playing pickleball.

If it is found that you stepped into the kitchen in a game of pickleball, even well after you have made your volley, then the other team automatically earns an extra point!

This means that accidentally stepping into the kitchen can see the pace of a game changing significantly. 

You should try to avoid being close to the kitchen as much as possible.

Even taking a volley standing just behind the kitchen carries with it a significant risk, as there is the chance that you might lose balance and step in.

As well as this, there is also a stringent rule that even dropping an object or wearable into the kitchen counts as an extra point for the opposing team.

You don’t want to run the risk of accidentally dropping your paddle into the kitchen, so make sure that you always have a firm grip on it when approaching the kitchen!

Can You Use The Kitchen To Your Advantage In Pickleball?

Can You Use The Kitchen To Your Advantage In Pickleball?

Yes! If you play your cards just right, you can easily use the kitchen to your advantage and draw your opponents towards the area on their side of the court.

You can make strategic shots and volleys to draw opposing players closer to the kitchen or force them to build up momentum that may cause them to step into the kitchen.

To Wrap Up

While the exact origins of the term ‘Kitchen’, within the context of pickleball, may be unclear, what is clear is that the area is a very important part of the pickleball court. 

Stepping into the kitchen in a game of pickleball, even after a volley has already been taken, will result in a point being awarded to the opposing team, so it is always best to avoid it as much as possible.

However, this also means that you can use the opposing team’s kitchen to your own advantage! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Calls In The Kitchen In Pickleball?

If a player steps into the kitchen during a game of pickleball, it is actually allowed for any player, on any side of the court to call the action out.

What Is The 10-Second Rule In Pickleball?

The 10-second rule within pickleball stipulates that once the score has been called, the server must make their serve within ten seconds or it will be decided that they are wasting time.

What Are 5 Common Mistakes That A Beginner Pickleball Players Often Make?

Beginner pickleball players may be given to kitchen faults, putting too much of a spin on the ball, serving incorrectly, smashing balls too early, or taking shots in incorrect areas.

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