What Are You Not Allowed To Do In Pickleball?

Pickleball is a widely popular sport that is played both professionally and casually all throughout the United States.

What Are You Not Allowed To Do In Pickleball?

Despite this popularity, there are many who might still be unfamiliar with the rules. But what exactly is pickleball, and what are some things you should absolutely avoid during play?

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is a racket/paddle based game that can be played either indoors or outdoors.

Just like tennis and badminton, players can play in teams of one or two (doubles), and then hit a perforated, hollow, polymer ball back and forth one another, with the aim being to get it past the other team.

When Was It Invented?

Pickleball was invented in 1965, and whilst initially designed for children to play on Bainbridge Island, Washington, it quickly became the official state sport.

What Are The Rules Of Pickleball?

In terms of rules, there are relatively few in pickleball – something that ultimately stems from its history as a children’s game. However, these are still upheld, and can differ slightly depending on whether the game is a casual or professional one.

Serve Underarm

Firstly, all serves during a pickleball game must be underarm. This means that the serving player must make contact with the ball below their head, torso, or waist.

This differs from other games like tennis, where the ball is served overhand – however, due to the fact that the ball in pickleball is harder, underarm is considered safer.

It Must Bounce

Both a serve and the return of the ball have to bounce before they can be hit (You might want to check out What Is A Flapjack In Pickleball?). This has to happen twice, once during the serve, once on the return, and then after this point, players can hit back the pickleball while in the air.

This is known as the ‘2 bounce rule’, as well as the ‘3 hit rule’ – and while this might be hard to remember, it is something that becomes second nature during play.

But remember, if the pickleball bounces twice on one trajectory, then the point will be over, and it is the opponent’s turn to serve.

Learn Non-Volley Zones

Within pickleball, there are areas of the court that are considered ‘non-volley zones’ – meaning that within the 14 foot area in the middle of the court, no player from either side can hit it.

This is similar to tennis and badminton, where a certain level of clearance needs to be given between the players and the net. As the name suggests, you can also not volley the ball in mid air while making contact with the non-volley zone.

Contact with the non-volley zone means no standing on the non-volley zone, no standing on the line, no dropping hats and paddles into the non-volley zone, and no hitting around the outside of the line.

Why Are The Rules How They Are?

In pickleball, as in most sports, the rules are designed to encourage sportsmanship and fair play – something that also undoubtedly came from the games history as a children’s sport.

The main mantra behind pickleball is the instilment of fun and competition during play, and as such, the rules are designed to be fair, and to encourage enjoyment. Even in the official rulebook, these sentiments are reinforced by the following statements:

  • All points are created equal – meaning that the first point and the match point are worth the same amount in total.
  • In doubles pickleball, all players are permitted to make line calls.
  • All calls on the pickleball court must be made promptly, instead of waiting until the end of a point, or after a shot to make the appropriate call.
  • When met with a ruleless situation, players are required to cooperate with one another to resolve any possible dispute, grievance, or uncertainty.

What Not To Do In Pickleball?

What Not To Do In Pickleball?

While the rules themselves are fairly simplistic, and the game seeks to encourage fun and healthy competition, there are certain faux pas that are not tolerated in the sport.

Don’t Interfere With The Ball

This might seem like an obvious one, but we’ll state it anyway: DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE BALL. This means that, even if the ball is about to strike you out, or make you lose points, you cannot interfere with it while it is in mid-air, or indeed when it is about to hit the ground.

This means that you cannot kick, slap, or otherwise bat away the ball from its intended course.

Don’t Backpedal

Backpedaling might seem like a natural thing to do – and it is – but in the sport of pickleball, backpedaling is considered bad form, as it can lead to miss-hits and other potential mistakes. As such, it is considered to be against the rules.

Don’t Fret Over Missed Points

While it might be natural for players and spectators to worry and lose their tempers over lost or missed points, this is not the name of the game when it comes to pickleball.

As we stated above, the rules promote fun and healthy competition, and as such, dwelling on losses is not conducive to this proposed play environment.

The point of pickleball is to have fun, and leave the losses on the court – after all, focusing on the negatives will only lead to further mistakes and frustration.

Don’t Linger

Due to the ever increasing popularity of pickleball, court space is at an all-time premium. This means that it is considered bad form to linger around – or otherwise hog the court – for longer than is necessary.

This is just considered to be bad manners, something the sport actively dissuades players from engaging in.

Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

Pickleball is supposed to be fun, and the competitions are supposed to be healthy – rather than intense rivalries.

As such, it is important not to take it too seriously, or to push yourself and your teammates too hard. Remember, stay hydrated, play your best, and try to have as much as possible!

Don’t Serve Above The Waist

This is more of an official rule, and is one of the few observed feverishly during pickleball. All serves of the ball must be underhand, and overhand serving is considered to be against the rules.

Don’t Touch The Net

Likewise, touching or interfering with the net during play is not allowed, and could result in punishment. This is just for the sake of fairness, and to give everyone an equal chance.

Don’t Encroach

Like in many sports, encroachment is also a thing in pickleball, and this is when a player’s foot (Also check out What Is A Foot Fault In Pickleball?) is outside of the imaginary extension of the serve line and the center line.

Final Thoughts

And there we have it, everything you need to know about pickleball, and what you’re not allowed to do during play. Pickleball is a widely popular pastime all throughout the United States, with many communities having teams that take new members.

Just be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules before you dive straight in! So if you are looking for a new pastime, then why not give pickleball a try? Something tells me you won’t be disappointed!

Joe Polls