Is It Legal To Help A Serve Over The Net In Pickleball?

Pickleball is a great game that is played between two different teams. This game can be played in singles or doubles. 

Are you a pickleball fan and are trying to understand the legalities of the rules? Or do you want to start playing the game and are trying to learn the rules? 

Is It Legal To Help A Serve Over The Net In Pickleball?

Whatever your situation, you’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to find out whether it’s legal to help a serve over the net in a game of pickleball. Read on to find out!

Is It Legal To Help A Serve Over The Net In A Game Of Pickleball?

It is not legal to help a ball over the net in a game of pickleball. Helping the ball over the net refers to using any part of your body to give the ball the power it needs to get over the net. 

This move is not legal in a game of pickleball and it is considered to be cheating.

What Is Helping A Serve Over The Net?

Helping a serve over the net refers to touching the ball with your body in order to push the ball further over the net. This is considered an illegal serve, and you will likely be penalized for this. 

Other examples of serves that are illegal in a game of pickleball are: 

  • Using any body part to block the path of the ball
  • Touching the ball
  • Kicking the ball or stopping it with your feet 
  • Hitting the ball with something other than your paddle

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is a very fun and competitive sport that bears some similarities to badminton, squash and ping pong. In this game, two teams play against each other on a court.

The game is played with a small paddle that is used to hit the ball back and forth across the court. 

During the game, you must keep your feet inside the boundaries of the court whenever you are hitting the ball.

You win points by hitting the ball past the other team’s service line without them being able to return it.

What Are The Rules Of Pickleball?

There are many different rules in pickleball, including the rule that states that it is not legal to help a serve over the net in the game. Some of the rules of the game include:

The Ball Must Stay Within The Boundaries 

It is very important that the ball stays within the boundaries of the court at all times. This means that the ball cannot leave the lines. If it does leave the court, this will be considered a fault

Don’t Step Out Of The Boundaries

Another rule states that the feet of the players must be kept inside the boundaries at all times. You cannot step outside the lines, and you also cannot touch the net in this game. 

If you do any of these things during a game of pickleball, then the other team will win a point and you will receive a penalty.

The Ball Must Bounce 

The ball has to bounce once on either side before you hit it with your paddle. It cannot bounce twice. If the ball does bounce twice then you will lose a point. 

Is It Legal To Help A Serve Over The Net In Pickleball?

Serves From The Baseline 

When it comes to pickleball, the ball must be served from the baseline. You cannot serve from any other place on the court. You must ensure that your feet are behind the baseline when you serve.

Serve Underhand 

You cannot serve overhead like in tennis or volleyball. In pickleball, you must serve underhand.

You should hold the paddle low, not exceeding the waist and the paddle should be facing towards the ground. If you do not stick to these rules, a point will be awarded to the other team.

Serves Must Land Outside Of The No-Volley Zone 

When you serve, you need the serve to land outside of the no-volley zone. They should not land in this zone otherwise you will have served an out of bounds shot.

First To 11 Or 15 

When it comes to winning the game, there are two different sets of rules. Some people play to 11 points and some play to 15.

The first team to reach the score of 11 will win the game. However, in order to win, the team needs to be at least 2 points ahead. If they are not, then the game should continue to 15 points, and the first to reach 15 wins. 

If there is a tie, then the game will be completed by a sudden death period. 

How Can I Improve My Pickleball Skills?

If you enjoy playing pickleball but you’re not very good at it, then you should follow these tips below to help improve your skills.


Practice makes perfect so it is a good idea to keep practicing the game. You will learn as you play and you can also get to know the way that your partner plays better, making you a better team.

Make sure to be patient, you won’t learn all of the skills overnight.

Learn The Rules 

It is very important to be aware of the rules in this game. If you are familiar with how the game works then you will be able to know which actions you need to avoid. 

Be Cautious 

It is important to think about what you are doing rather than to just blindly hit the ball.

Most faults (Check out the other things that are Not Allowed To Do In Pickleball?) occur because the player has not taken the time to stop and think about what they are doing. If you rush the game you are much more likely to lose out on points.

Final Thoughts

It is illegal to help a serve over the net in a game of pickleball. If you’re new to the game, you should now know some of the most important rules, as well as some of the best ways to improve when playing pickleball.

Joe Polls