What Is A Foot Fault In Pickleball?

It is frustrating to keep having your game interrupted by a fault. This article will explore what a fault is in pickleball and what commonly causes these faults. 

What Is A Foot Fault In Pickleball

If you’re wondering what a foot fault is in pickleball, you’ve come to the right place! Read on for more information on faults in pickleball and how they can be avoided! 

What Is A Fault In Pickleball?

In pickleball, any violation of the rules counts as a fault. When a player commits a fault, the point will be restarted, and there will be no points given out. 

It can be frustrating if you are part of a game that involves a lot of faults as it can feel like you are constantly stopping and starting the game and not getting anywhere. 

In pickleball, the most common type of fault that you will see is a foot fault. You will also see faults that happen because a ball is hit out of the court boundaries, or a ball is hit before it was given the chance to bounce. 

What Is A Foot Fault?

A foot fault happens when the person who is serving in the game of pickleball doesn’t keep both of their feet behind the baseline.

A foot fault in pickleball also refers to when a player volleys the ball inside of the kitchen.

This means that if you pass the non-volley zone line then you need to allow the ball time to bounce before you hit it. 

This is the most common type of fault in the game. 

If you are a right-handed player then this means that your right foot has to be behind the baseline and your left foot must be behind this. 

You cannot have either of your feet crossing or touching the baseline of the court. If this does happen, it will be considered a fault and you will be required to take the serve again without any points being awarded.

What Other Faults Are There In Pickleball?

Hitting The Ball Out

Another common fault when it comes to pickleball is hitting the ball out of the boundaries of the court. 

This will happen a lot during the game and it most often happens when you are playing a volley. 

In contrast to the foot fault, if this fault occurs, you will lose your team a point rather than just replaying the shot.

If you don’t manage to overcome this fault then you will often lose out on points because of it, meaning that you have less chance of winning the game.

Stopping The Bounce 

It is very common for this fault to occur during a game of pickleball. When you hit the ball before it bounces, the other team will receive a point. The ball must bounce before you return it.

How Can You Avoid These Common Pickleball Faults?

How Can You Avoid These Common Pickleball Faults?

It is a good idea to try to figure out how you can avoid these pickleball faults. It is very easy for them to occur, but it will slow down the game and lose you points. 

In order to avoid a foot fault you should ensure that you are checking your feet before every serve. If you sometimes forget, ask your team member to check your feet too.

This will help you to ensure that you aren’t stepping over the line when you serve. 

When it comes to hitting the ball out of the boundaries of the court, you will need to make sure that everytime you hit the ball you are considering the boundaries.

Take a moment before you start the game to consider where the boundaries are. 

If you want to avoid hitting the ball before it bounces you should make sure that you are watching the ball and considering your reactions. Before you hit the ball, ask yourself if it has bounced to avoid losing a point to the other team.

It is difficult to avoid all faults during the game so you should make sure that you go easy on yourself. If you do experience a fault, take it on the chin and learn from it!

Don’t let it affect the rest of your game.

Other Common Faults 

There are many other common faults in the game.

These include: 

  • If the ball comes into contact with any part of the body this is seen as a fault
  • If the paddle touches the net or the floor this is considered a fault
  • Catching the ball is seen as a fault in the game
  • Hitting the ball more than once is also a fault

How To Improve At Pickleball?

If you find yourself making mistakes often during the game of pickleball there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you improve your skills. 


Practice really does make perfect so you need to make sure that you’re practicing the game of pickleball. You will learn through playing the game, and you will develop your skills if you play with your partner often.

Make sure to be patient, you won’t learn all of the skills overnight.

Learn The Rules 

It is very important to be aware of the rules in this game. If you are familiar with how the game works then you will be able to know which actions you need to avoid. 

Be Cautious 

It is important to think about what you are doing rather than to just blindly hit the ball. Most faults occur because the player has not taken the time to stop and think about what they are doing.

If you rush the game you are much more likely to lose out on points.

Final Thoughts 

Foot faults in pickleball are the most common type of fault. It is best to try to avoid this fault as it can slow the game down.

Other faults can also cause you to lose points so it is important to be aware of the faults that could occur and try to prevent them.

Joe Polls