What Is A Smash Shot?

Pickleball is a sport that shares a number of similarities with other sports in terms of how strategically players can move from moment to moment.

What Is A Smash Shot?

There are a number of different types of shots and maneuvers that can be made in a typical game of pickleball, and each of these unique shots has a different name.

You’ve probably already heard of moves like the ‘Dink’ or a ‘Volley’, but have you ever heard the term ‘Smash’ used in the context of pickleball? If you have, you’ve likely wondered what exactly it means, otherwise, why would you be here right now?

Luckily, you couldn’t have come to a better place, because today we are going to take a look to find out exactly what a ‘Smash’ shot is, what it entails, and what kinds of advantages it can offer up in an average match of pickleball. 

What Is A Smash Shot In Pickleball?

Within the context of pickleball, a ‘Smash’ shot refers to a maneuver that involves hitting the ball from overhead with full force. This is a full offensive maneuver that is often pulled out at the last moment in order to clinch a victory in favor of a specific team. 

The smash is performed as high as possible, with the player arching their arm well overhead, in order to create a massive amount of momentum with which to hit the ball at high speeds. 

Smash shots are very difficult to defend against, which is why they can so often turn the tide of a match.

Why Pull Off A Smash Shot When Playing Pickleball?

Of course, one of the main reasons that you will want to perform a smash shot in pickleball is in order to get the upper hand over your opponent.

Smash shots are well known for being very difficult to defend against. This means that, if your opponent is in just the right position, you can pull out the move, sure that it will not be defended.

You might also pull off a smash shot if the ball travels to a great height on your side of the court. Smash shots involve moving the arm as high as possible, which can also make it a great defensive strategy if the ball is traveling over you.

How Do You Pull Off A Smash Shot?

Of course, in order for a smash shot to be truly devastating to the opposing team, you will need to make sure that you get into the perfect position to pull it off.

In order to allow yourself to put your full strength into the swing, you will need to make sure that your feet are in a perfect position beforehand.

If you were to be in a neutral position while on the pickleball court, and you saw the ball heading over your head, you would want to pivot one of your feet 90 degrees, and move the over foot behind you.

What Is A Smash Shot?

If you are right-handed, ensure that your right foot steps back, and if you are left-handed, ensure that it is your left foot that steps back. 

Doing this will cause your body to be positioned in such a way that your side is facing directly to the net. The shoulder of the arm that you aren’t swinging with should be pointed toward the net. 

Getting into the right position also makes it much easier to extend your arm to full length, which is required in order to put the right amount of force into the shot.

This also allows you to put maximum downward force into the ball, which sends it careening down toward the ground, making it difficult to defend. 

How Hard Do You Need To Hit The Ball To Perform A Smash Shot?

Generally speaking, you can hit the ball as hard as you want. Hitting the ball with all of your strength will cause it to move at a faster speed, making it nearly impossible to defend against. 

However, if you use your strength to your advantage, you can easily get the upper hand over your opponent. Pulling off a smash shot forces your body into a highly specific position, which your opponents will quickly recognize.

This will force them into defensive positions, expecting the hardest possible hit. However, at the last moment, you can hit the ball with a little less force to completely change the ball’s trajectory, making the ball difficult for the player to predict. 

Are There Disadvantages To Smash Shots?

Definitely. One of the most obvious potential disadvantages is that it would be easy to accidentally miss hitting the ball, and cause it to either continue on behind you, or hit at the wrong angle, and directly into the net.

You should also beware of the fact that smash shots will leave you vulnerable for some time. This is why it should only be pulled out when the time is right.

If the opponent were to defend against a smash shot and perform their own maneuver, you would have to wait until you had returned to the ground and regained control over your momentum to defend yourself.

Smash shots also use a lot of energy, so you could find yourself becoming tired out very quickly carrying them out again and again!

To Conclude

Smash shots are designed to head directly toward the ground at high speeds to throw off the opponent and make it hard to defend. However, there is a high risk of vulnerability if a smash shot does not succeed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Falafel In Pickleball?

‘Falafel’, in the context of pickleball refers to a situation in which the ball is not hit hard enough, and is often sent right into the net.

What Is A Pancake In Pickleball?

‘Pancake’ refers to a type of pickleball serve that involves hitting the ball just before it reaches the ground when dropped near the waist. This looks like flipping a pancake.

What Does Getting Pickled Mean In Pickleball?

Being ‘Pickled’ when playing pickleball simply refers to losing a game by scoring zero points in a match.

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