Do Compression Sleeves Help The Tennis Elbow?

When you play any sport that causes extended use of the elbow joint such as tennis, pickleball, or badminton, you can experience an injury which is known as tennis elbow. 

This is a painful condition that occurs when there is repetitive motion on the wrist and arm that results in the elbow being overloaded. It is more common than you think and it is rather easy to treat. 

Do Compression Sleeves Help The Tennis Elbow?

Compression sleeves are a common way to treat tennis elbow, but do they actually help? We discuss everything you need to know about using compression sleeves to help tennis elbow and if there is anything better out there. 

What Is A Tennis Elbow?

Pain on the outside of the arm is a symptom of tennis elbow. Clinically, it is referred to as lateral epicondylitis. It frequently occurs as a result of repetitive motion or overuse of the wrist muscles close to the elbow joint.

Tennis elbow can be felt by anyone, not just those who play sports that put stress on the elbow. You may notice that you experience pain or weakness when you bend or straighten your elbow or try to lift objects. 

With around 1 to 3% of Americans experiencing tennis elbow, it is a low-priority injury and many sufferers find relief without the need for surgery. 

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow 

The most common symptoms of tennis elbow is pain within the elbow joint and down through the forearm.

However, there are various other symptoms which can help identify the condition:

  • Stiffness or pain when extending your arm. 
  • Swollen elbow joint that is sore to the touch. 
  • Weakness when gripping or lifting items. 
  • Burning or pain on the outer elbow which can worsen at night. 
  • Pain when twisting the arm. 

All of these symptoms are hard to ignore and can begin to cause a disturbance in your everyday life. 

What Are Compression Sleeves? 

The veins in the arms and lower thighs are gently compressed by compression sleeves. This promotes blood flow from the limbs to the heart while supporting the vein walls and vein valves.

Age, venous hypertension, or injury can all cause vascular systems to deteriorate over time.

The pressure also removes waste from the nearby tissue and the vessels. The circulatory system should handle the lymph fluid, lactic acid, and other enzymes that produce swelling in the arms and legs. 

Compression sleeves increase blood flow rate by constricting the veins. Consider a hose that has a large diameter.

The spray would spread out more narrowly if you covered the horse’s mouth with your hand to increase the velocity. Your veins experience the same phenomenon.

Compression encourages quicker, more effective circulation by reducing the vessels’ circumference.

Gradual compression is offered by some leg compression sleeves and stockings, which help the circulatory system.

Blood and waste materials can sometimes collect in the lower legs and feet due to gravity, particularly when you stand or sit for an extended period of time.

Gradual compression exerts pressure upward to aid in the drainage of fluids from this region. 

Do Compression Sleeves Help The Tennis Elbow?

Now that we know what tennis elbow and compression sleeves are, we can begin to discuss if this is a good way to help. 

With compression sleeves working to provide support and pressure for increasing blood flow, they are beneficial to treat tennis elbow.

It is common for athletes suffering from tennis elbow to wear compression sleeves when training and when going about their daily lives. 

Benefits Of Compression Sleeves 

Whether you are a professional athlete or are experiencing tennis elbow from working, there are various benefits for wearing a compression sleeve. 

  • Skin Protection. 
  • Added Support. 
  • Relieve Tension and Pressure. 
  • Muscle and Joint Recovery. 
  • Injury Prevention. 
  • Enhanced Performance. 
  • Temperature Regulation and Warmth. 

Compression sleeves can be worn for an extended period of time making them great for day-to-day wear. However, it is important that there is a time where the compression sleeve is not worn to allow the injury to breathe. 

Do Compression Sleeves Help The Tennis Elbow? (1)

Disadvantages Of Compression Sleeves

 Compression sleeves may be uncomfortable for some people, and even though they don’t significantly limit mobility, some people may find them heavy. 

Another disadvantage to wearing compression sleeves is that they can be difficult to put on. They are designed to be tight around the arm or leg. 

Last but not least, finding the right size can be challenging for some people, particularly if they are in between sizes.

You may have to try a few sizes before you find a sleeve which fits comfortably and provides the right amount of support. 

Alternatives For Treating Tennis Elbow

A tennis elbow brace is an alternative for compression sleeves. It is common for helping to reduce comfort in the elbow and other joints. 

It exerts a pulling force over the proximal origin of the wrist extensor muscle bulk. (this is also known as a counterforce orthosis).

This band’s ability to lower the proportion of elongation and force production by musculotendinous fibers above the orthosis has been demonstrated.


Tennis elbow braces have the advantage of providing targeted support without covering your elbow, preserving the correct range of motion, which is crucial for tennis players.

Last but not least, even the finest tennis elbow braces are affordable and simple to test out to see if they work.


Unfortunately, some players find it difficult to keep tennis elbow braces firmly in position, which causes frustration and reduced effectiveness because proper placement guarantees the results are optional.

Final Thoughts 

Tennis elbow is an awful condition to suffer with. Especially if you are an active person who enjoys being on the move. 

Compression sleeves are a great way to offer support to the joint and promote blood flow. Many even wear compression sleeves long after the injury has healed in order to ensure the joint is supported. 

You may have to try a few compression sleeves before you find the one that is right for you. But once you find it, you can experience pain relief and even heal from the injury completely! 

You’ll be back on the court in no time! 

Joe Polls

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