How To Flick

Have you ever wanted to learn the art of pickleball? If so, you’ll need to master the ‘flick’. The flick can be difficult to master, but with some practice and dedication, you can become a pickleball pro!

How To Flick

In this article, we’ll show you how to perfect the flick in pickleball.

The Pickleball Flick Roll

The pickleball flick roll is an effective way to gain an advantage over your opponent. It’s a shot that can be used to quickly change the direction of the ball and surprise your opponent with its speed and accuracy. 

The flick roll is also useful when your opponents are playing too close to the net, as it has a low trajectory and can help you keep them back.

The Techniques For The Flick Roll

Not Too Close To The Net 

Perfecting the pickleball flick roll is a skill that takes practice and patience. To begin, the player should stand at least five feet away from the net.

The ball should be hit with an upward motion, creating a top spin which will make the ball bounce off of the net and over to your opponent’s court. 

Open Position Paddle

The paddle should be held in an open position and angled slightly upwards to generate a backspin. This spin allows for greater control of the ball’s direction once it reaches your opponent’s court.

Relaxed Wrist 

The most important tip when executing this technique is to keep your wrist loose and relaxed throughout the entire motion. Doing so will ensure that you can achieve maximum power and accuracy with each shot. 

Body Low, Feet Firm

It is also essential to keep your body low with your feet firmly planted on both sides of the court in order to generate maximum speed for each shot.

Elbows Down 

To perfect this technique, you should use proper arm mechanics while hitting each shot.

Make sure that your elbow stays close to your rib cage throughout each swing and that your racket faces downward towards the ground during contact with the ball in order to maximize power and accuracy.

The flick roll is a shot of deception, and the secret is not to let your opponent know you’re going to do it.

By following the above technique your opponent may think you are going to drop it gently over the net but at the last minute you flick the wrist sending them off course. 

The Power Comes From Your Wrist

When it comes to flicking in pickleball, the power comes from your wrist. You want to keep your elbow tucked in close to your body and use a quick snap of your wrist to generate the power you need.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to push the ball with your racket, rather you want to flick it. This will give you more control over where the ball goes, as well as more accuracy.

To practice this motion, start by holding your racket in front of you and make sure that your grip is correct. Then, do a few slow arm circles with your racket and focus on feeling the snap of your wrist at each rotation.

As you get more comfortable with the motion, increase the speed of the circles until you can feel yourself generating power from just a quick flick of your wrist.

Once you have become comfortable flicking in pickleball, use it when playing games and drills. Remember that even though it may feel awkward at first, practice makes perfect!

With regular practice and repetition, soon enough, flicking will become second nature and part of every pickleball player’s arsenal.

Where To Aim The Ball

When hitting a forehand stroke and attempting a flick shot, you should aim slightly to the left of center court. This will give you enough time to get back into position quickly and be ready for your opponent’s return. 

Be sure to adjust your aim depending on how far away from the net you are. The further away you are, the more angled your shots need to be in order for them to land inside the boundaries of the court. 

Quick Tips For Flick Shots 

Start With A Solid Stance

Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and your weight is evenly distributed between both legs. This will create stability as you swing so that you can generate more power.

How To Flick (1)

Focus On Wrist Movement

When executing the shot, focus on wrist movement rather than arm movement. The wrist should snap forward when making contact with the ball for maximum speed and spin.

Follow through

Don’t forget to follow through after hitting the ball; this will help ensure that all your energy goes into propelling it forward instead of dissipating mid-shot.

If done correctly, flicks can be incredibly powerful shots that can give you an edge over your opponents. With some practice and patience, you’ll be able to nail them like a pro!


In conclusion, the pickleball flick roll is a great way to gain an edge in the game. With practice and patience, it can become a powerful weapon in your pickleball arsenal.

It may take some time to perfect the technique, but it’s worth the effort and will make for a tense and competitive game. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Are The Benefits Of A Flick Shot In Pickleball?

A flick shot in pickleball is a great way to keep your opponent on their toes, as it is difficult to anticipate and return. It can also be used as a defensive shot to keep the ball in play.

What Should I Avoid When Doing A Flick Shot In Pickleball?

When doing a flick shot in pickleball, it is important to avoid hitting the ball too hard or too high. Doing so will cause the ball to go over the net and likely land out of play.

Joe Polls

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