What Does Call The Ball Mean?

Pickleball is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in the United States. With its easy-to-learn rules, it’s easy to see why so many people are picking up a paddle and giving it a try.

What Does Call The Ball Mean?

But what does “call the ball” mean in pickleball? Let’s take a look at how this term affects the game and why it’s important for players to understand it.

What It Means

In pickleball, ‘calling the ball’ involves announcing to your opponents when the ball is in or out, and is typically done in a loud and clear voice. This ensures that all players are aware of the ball’s position and allows them to properly judge their shots. 

It allows for fair play and prevents any miscommunications or misunderstandings that might occur if players were not aware of the ball’s position.

‘Calling the ball’ is a fundamental part of the game and should be done every time a player believes the ball is out. A ball is classed as ‘out’ when it goes over the ‘line.’

What Is A Line Exactly?

In pickleball, a line is an imaginary boundary that divides the court into two equal halves. It extends from one side of the court to the other, and serves as a reference point for players during rallies. 

The line marks the area in which each team’s service can land when serving; when serving, players must ensure that the ball lands on their own side of the line without touching it. This requires precision and accuracy from players in order to score points.

The line also serves as a guide for where players should stand during play. Each team should stay within their own half of the court by keeping their feet behind the line when playing shots. 

Additionally, it is important for players to know where their opponents are standing at all times; this is why referees will often call “the ball” before every point, which reminds players to check who is in what part of the court before they start playing again.

Most importantly, the line shows the part of the court that is either ‘in or ‘out’

In Or Out?

The anticipation is always high when playing pickleball. Everyone awaits the phrase, “Call the ball!” 

As we mentioned earlier, In pickleball, “Call the ball” means that a player is deciding whether a ball is in or out. This decision must be made quickly and accurately to maintain fairness in the game. 

Here are 3 key points to consider when calling the ball:

1. Is the ball touching any part of the line?
2. Was any part of the ball overhanging outside the court?
3. Did any portion of the ball cross completely beyond the line?

These three points should be taken into account before making an in or out call on a shot. Ultimately, an accurate assessment will ensure a fair and enjoyable game for all players!

How To Make Accurate Line Calls

The first step to making accurate line calls is to have an understanding of the court’s dimensions.

Knowing where the lines are and how far away from them your opponent’s shot has landed is key for making an accurate call. If you’re unsure, take a few seconds to check with a teammate or coach.

The next step is to use your eyes and ears. This means watching and listening closely for any signs that might indicate if the ball was inside or outside the court boundaries.

Look for details such as skid marks, bounces, and sound waves that will help you make your decision with confidence. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are ever unsure about a line call.

Finally, it is important to remember that line calls should always be made quickly and decisively.

Don’t let any doubt creep in – trust your instincts! Being consistent in your line calls makes everyone involved more confident in their decisions, leading to better Pickleball matches overall.

Who ‘Calls The Shots?’

In pickleball, when one team calls the ball, they are indicating which side of the court they believe the ball should be served to. This is an important part of the game, as it can help your team get an advantage over the other team.

Generally, one partner will call the ball and then their partner will serve it. It’s important to decide who on your team is going to call the ball before you start playing.

You should make sure that both players on your team have equal opportunities to call the ball. This way, both players can contribute equally towards your team’s success.

It’s also a good idea to pick someone who has a strong sense of direction and knows how to line up a serve properly. 

Ultimately, whoever calls the ball should be comfortable with their role and understand how best to utilize their skills in order to give your team an edge over the other side.

By establishing who’s responsible for calling each shot beforehand, you’ll ensure smoother game play and prevent confusion or miscommunication between you and your partner during games.

What Does Call The Ball Mean? (1)


In conclusion, pickleball is a great game for all ages and skill levels. You’ll need to understand the basics of the line calls to make sure you and your opponents are playing fair. 

It’s important to know the rules, be able to make accurate calls, and decide who calls what on your side. Properly understanding these line call rules will help ensure enjoyable play for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should A Player Call The Ball In Pickleball?

A player should call the ball when they are certain that they have the legal right to hit the ball. This should be done as soon as possible to ensure that the other player does not interfere with the shot.

Does Pickleball Have The Same Rules As Tennis And Badminton?

No, Pickleball does not have the same rules as tennis and badminton. There are differences in the scoring system, the size of the court, the size, and type of racquet, and the type of ball used.

Joe Polls

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