How To Practice Pickleball Alone

Once you start playing pickleball, you’ll want to play all the time! It’s a fun, fast-paced game with a strong sense of sportsmanship. However, like with any other sport, if you want to be good, you need to practice! 

How To Practice Pickleball Alone

One of the great things about pickleball is that you can actually practice alone! In this article, we will discuss how you can play and practice pickleball alone at home and on the court.

So, if you’re interested, read on for more! 

What Do You Need To Practice Pickleball Alone?

To practice pickleball alone, you need a Wiffle ball, a pickleball paddle, and plenty of space. Ideally, you should have a backyard or an empty wall. However, these are not totally necessary. 

Another great tool you can use to practice pickleball is a pickleball machine, which will act as an opponent, shooting out Wiffle balls ready for you to hit. 

And, you can even practice alone on the pickleball court! 

How To Practice Pickleball Alone On The Court

It is important to practice pickleball even when you are alone to perfect your technique for real games.

So, here are three drills perfect for solo pickleball practice on the court! 

1. Practice Serving 

In pickleball, you can only score when it is your team’s turn to serve. So, it is vital that you practice servings as much as possible.

Not only will this improve your performance, but it will help to improve your confidence on the court. 

To start, simply practice hitting the ball as accurately as possible. Try to get it onto the line or place a target down and try to hit that.

This is the perfect solo practice for beginner pickleball players. 

2. Become More Comfortable On The Pickleball Court

Learning how to play an instrument and learning how to play pickleball are very similar. When you first begin, there is a lot to consider and you feel as though everything is happening too slowly.

But the more you practice, the more you will perform techniques without thinking about it. 

However, on top of practicing your technique, you also need to become used to the court.

A great way to practice pickleball is to walk around the court and get a feel for where things are – the no-volley zone, how high the net is, etc.

This means that during your games, you will be able to avoid the no-volley zone because the court will feel like home to you, and you can focus more on your technique and playing the game itself. 

3. Solo Dinking Practice

Solo dinking (Check out What Is A Dink In Pickleball?) practice is very beneficial for more advanced pickleball players. You may feel like you need a partner for this, but you can actually practice dinking practice alone.

All you need to do is hit the ball on the right side of the net and then run to the other side to hit it back. 

Of course, for this, you will need good stamina. However, practicing dinking alone will help you to build your stamina. 

How To Practice Pickleball Alone At Home

How To Practice Pickleball Alone At Home

Here are the best drills you can do to practice pickleball alone at home.

1. Drill One: Volley Accuracy

To practice your volley at home, you need to take some tape and mark a spot on the wall. Then, mark some space on the floor to act as your no-volley zone, and stand just outside it.

Now, all you need to do is practice different serves to see if you can hit the target! 

If your accuracy isn’t great at the start of this drill, it will be by the end! All you need is a little determination and confidence. Just don’t forget to move around the homemade court and take shots from various angles.

Then, once your accuracy gets better, move the target to different places. 

2. Drill 2: The Backhand And Forehand Volley

To improve your backhand and forehand volleys, then you need excellent reaction times and reflexes.

So, to practice these volleys at home, you need to take some tape to mark a net line, stand around seven feet away from the wall, and serve a forehand shot in the direction of the wall.

As the ball comes back to you, use a backhand shot to hit it back to the wall. Continue this cycle until you miss a shot, and then begin again. 

3. Drill 3: Legwork

Leg day is important in the gym, and it’s also important in pickleball! You spend a lot of time running on the court, so it’s important that your legs are strong!

You will need to practice your leg movements at home, and the best way to do this is through lateral movements and exercise. Great exercises for your legs are lunges, knee push-ups, planks, and ankle raises. 

4. Drill 4: The Shadow Swing

Shadow swings are when you swing your paddle without actually hitting anything (Find out How To Hold A Pickleball Paddle). This pickleball practice can be done anywhere as long as you have a paddle.

This helps you to focus on your form so you have more control on the court. 

Final Thoughts

Like any other sport, it is important to practice various pickleball techniques so you are constantly improving. This will help you win more games and move up in the pickleball leagues. 

The good news is, is that you do not need to always practice pickleball techniques with your partner (although this is always a good idea!)

Many pickleball drills can be practiced alone, both on and off the court. 

On the court, beginner players should practice their serves and try to become more familiar with court dimensions so they do not accidentally step into the no-volley zone, etc.

Meanwhile, more advanced players should practice solo dinking. At home, all players should work to improve their volley accuracy, forehand and backhand volleys, and paddle swings.

Players should also focus on their health and fitness, particularly on their legs since they spend a lot of time running up and down the court. 

We hope this article taught you all you need to know about how to practice pickleball alone! 

Joe Polls