What Is A Dink In Pickleball?

Though pickleball may look, on the surface, very similar to tennis, it actually has a number of unique differences that help to distinguish it from the sport.

One of the most important differences between tennis and pickleball is the multitude of specialized terms that are used to refer to specific rules and aspects of the sport.

What Is A Dink In Pickleball?

There are all kinds of terms, such as the ever-famous ‘Kitchen’, which refer to specific things in the game, but what exactly does the term ‘Dink’ refer to within the sport?

Is it a type of move? Maybe an area on the court?

Prepare for a smash hit article, because today we are going to take a deep look to find out exactly what the term ‘Dink’ refers to in pickleball, and what hearing the word while playing could potentially mean.

So, read on down below now to get some of the answers that you seek!

What Is A Dink In Pickleball?

A dink is actually a very specific type of shot that a player can take while engaging in a volley in pickleball, and it allows the player to accurately control the pace of the game.

The move involves softly hitting the ball after it has bounced into the no-volley zone, or ‘Kitchen’. The hit is done softly in order to cause the ball to bounce within the kitchen of the opposing side.

This is done in order to create difficulty for the opposing team.

If the ball bounces once through the kitchen, then the opposing players will have to be very careful that they do not end up in the kitchen themselves when returning the volley.

This makes the move particularly risky if opposing players are far away from the kitchen and would need to run to catch up with the ball. This could cause their momentum to build up enough that they have to step into the kitchen, thus forfeiting a point! 

When Should You Dink In Pickleball?

One of the best times to use a dink shot in pickleball is when you begin to feel the pace of the game speeding up.

If you can tell that the opposing player is exerting more force on the ball with the intention of speeding up the game, you can then return shots with a dink to force them to slow down.

This makes dink shots a great tool for controlling the pace of the game. It can quickly turn the tides of a match and see a team quickly regaining control and changing the odds significantly. 

Is A Dink Hard To Pull Off In Pickleball?

Because the dink can be such an effective maneuver to pull off in a game of pickleball, you might now be wondering whether it is a difficult shot to pull off. Is it reserved just for the most professional of players?

Generally, in order to pull off a dink, you will want to make sure that you have at least some skill at playing the game to understand how to softly hit the ball. 

Pulling off a dink in pickleball is an effective way to gain control of the game, but there is a potentially high risk associated with it.

Dinks are most commonly performed in response to shots that first bounce in the kitchen, thus the player performing the dink must approach the kitchen, which puts them at a higher risk of accidentally stepping into it. 

As well as this, there is also the risk that the player performing the dink might hit the ball a little bit too hard, which would leave them at a disadvantage.

If the opposing player were to return the ball with enough force, then the player that performed the dink would need to move very quickly in order to pull back and defend against such a shot. 

Thus, though a dink can very quickly change the course of the game, and is a simple move to understand, the risk of performing it wrong makes it a gamble to perform. 

How Do You Practice Dinking?

How Do You Practice Dinking?

You can easily practice dinking alone or with a training partner. If you are practicing alone, simply practice hitting the ball (Check out How To Practice Pickleball Alone) with the correct amount of force to hit a specific spot.

Keep trying in order to improve your accuracy to ensure that every hit ends up hitting around the same spot. 

You can add the net to this practice to ensure that you are able to make the ball effectively curve over the net at the right angle to make the shot.

If training with a partner, have them create soft volleys toward you to allow you to get used to performing a dink while the ball is in motion.

You might also want to practice hitting the ball at different angles to attempt to outwit your training partner.

This will help you to develop the ability to quickly identify opportunities that you can then take advantage of.

To Wrap Up

There you have it! The term ‘Dink; in pickleball refers to a maneuver that forces the ball to bounce in the kitchen on the opposing side of the court.

This can be used to control the pace of the game, as well as to force the opposing team to make risky moves to counter!

However, the risks of miss-performing a dink can be high, so make sure to be careful!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Purpose Of A Dink Shot?

Dink shots are used to help players regain control of the pace of the game, as well as to force the opponent out of a strong position.

How Do You Hit A Dink In Pickleball?

In order to hit a dink while playing pickleball, simply hold the racket ahead of yourself, with the face of the paddle open, and give the ball a light push.

What Is The Most Difficult Thing To Do In Pickleball?

One of the most difficult things to do in pickleball is to hit the ball enough to send it over the net, but low enough that it will quickly hit the ground on the other side.

Joe Polls