What Is Rally Scoring?

Pickleball is quite a popular sport and it’s perfect for anyone who wants a mix of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong.

As with all sports, it has evolved and changed over the years, and the latest change to pickleball that is being implemented is the rallying scoring system. 

What Is Rally Scoring?

There is a bit of a divide between pickleball players on if they are for or against rally scoring, and it has both pros and cons that need to be taken into consideration when using it.

If you are new to pickleball, you might be wondering what the rally scoring system is, and we are going to break it down for you! 

If you want to learn more about rally scoring, then read on to find out everything you need to know about it. 

What Is Rally Scoring? 

Rally scoring is basically a type of scoring system that works by awarding a point to the team that wins the rally, regardless of if they are the serving team or the receiving team.

Rally scoring is a type of scoring where all points that are played end up being scored, which contrasts the current scoring system, which only allows points to be scored by the serving team. 

This type of scoring system can go back and forth between the teams for quite a while, and there are only two things that can end a rally: a fault or misconduct on the court. 

There are lots of different faults that can end a rally in pickleball.

Some examples of the faults that count include: 

  • Non-Volley zone faults
  • Hitting the pickleball out of bounds
  • When the ball hits a permanent object (such as the net post)
  • Going against the pickleball two-bounce rule

There are more things that count as faults when you are using the rallying scoring system, but these are some of the most common ones to give you a better idea. 

As for misconduct on the court, this can be any rule violations that are committed by the players. These rule violations are not considered to be faults, but they are considered to be bad sportsmanship and disrespectful to the other players and the court itself. 

Pros Of Rally Scoring

There are many pros to rally scoring and it’s definitely a new type of scoring system that many pickleball players want to become the standard type of scoring in the game.

Let’s take a brief look at some of the pros of rally scoring now so you have a better idea. 

  • Rally scoring actually makes it easier for players to track and remember which side of the pickleball court should be taking the next serve. 
  • Rally scoring makes the duration of the pickleball game more consistent and predictable. 
  • The pace of the scoring is a lot more consistent too. 
  • Rally scoring actually makes a pickleball match come to an end much quicker than traditional scoring. This allows more players the chance to actually play, and it keeps everything fast-paced. 
  • Because rally scoring makes the game more fast-paced, it’s actually a lot more entertaining for spectators too. It makes the game more exciting and keeps spectators engaged for longer than traditional scoring games. 

Cons Of Rally Scoring

There are lots of pros when it comes to rally scoring, but there are some cons that need to be taken into consideration too. Let’s take a brief look at some of the cons of rally scoring in pickleball now. 

  • It is not an officially recognized scoring in pickleball yet. This is because there are many controversies and debates surrounding the whole scoring system.
  • Lots of people believe that beginners and intermediate players actually suffer when they play using the rallying scoring system. It can be harder for these less experienced players to practice and get more skilled at the game because it is so fast-paced. 
  • Lots of people believe that rally scoring is not beneficial to the game and it is not how the original designers of pickleball ever intended it to be played. 

Most of the cons that come with the rallying scoring system are more personal opinions than official cons, but they have to be taken into consideration.

The rallying scoring system has divided pickleball players all over the world, with many being for the system and many being against it. 

It’s really up to you and the people you are playing with if you want to use the rallying scoring system in a game, but remember that it is not an officially recognized scoring system in pickleball at the moment. 

What Is Rally Scoring?

How To Do Rally Scoring

If you do decide that you want to try rally scoring in pickleball for yourself, then it is quite easy to implement it into your game. Just make sure that everyone you are playing with agrees to use this scoring system before you start! 

  1. First, you need to decide which team is going to serve first and which team is going to receive first. 
  2. Once you have done that, decide the end of the court for each time. You can do this by playing rock-paper-scissors or doing a coin flip.
  3. Each player then has to decide if they want to start on the left or right side of the court.
  4. When this has been decided, on the first serving team, the player will serve from the even side (right side) of the court. Everyone starts on 0-0 in terms of points. 
  5. If the serving team wins the point, the score becomes 1-0.

Remember, each rallying point is worth a single point and people on both sides have the opportunity to score, regardless of who is serving and who is receiving. 


The rallying scoring system is still quite new in pickleball and lots of people are on the fence about if it should be made an official pickleball scoring system. Before you make up your mind about it, try it out first and see if you like it. 

Next time you go and play pickleball, have a go at using it yourself! 

Joe Polls

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